Dear SIGLOG Members,
This year’s July issue of the SIGLOG Newsletter appeared.
17th Newsletter, July 2018
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In this issue
- Howard Straubing presents a revisionist history of connections between first-order logic and aperiodic languages in Mikołaj Bojańczyk’s column on Automata.
- Neil Immerman’s column on Complexity is dedicated to two-variable logics: Emanuel Kieroński, Ian Pratt-Hartmann and Lidia Tendera discuss fragments and extensions motivated by applications.
- In Matteo Maffei’s column on Security and Privacy, Stéphanie Delaune writes on research challenges in the analysis of security protocols relying on properties of the physical world.
- Thierry Coquand surveys constructive presheaf models of univalence in Michael Mislove’s column on Semantics.
- The Verification column, edited by Ranko Lazić, features a primer on Presburger arithmetic by Christoph Haase.
- In Jorge A. Pérez’s Conference Reports section, Claudio Antares Mezzina reports on the 13th International Federated Conference on Distributed Computing Techniques (DisCoTec 2018).
- As usual, we wrap up with the latest issue of SIGLOG Monthly, prepared by Daniela Petrişan.